Our Wine Lounge reopens Summer 2022!

There are lots of big changes in the works at Deer Creek Vineyards and we’re excited to build a space where you can come to enjoy our hand-farmed wines and the relaxing magic of our vineyard. Our newly remodeled Wine Lounge will feature our full lineup of Estate Grown wines as well as a carefully curated Cellar full of some of our favorite wines from across the world. We want to offer a different type of experience at our Vineyard & Wine Lounge, one that can be both fun, educational and relaxing – a true break from the hustle and bustle of the daily grind and a place to make memories with the people you love. We want this to be a connecting point where folks can come to learn more about Vineyard Farming, Wine Production, and connection to the land and the produce we grow on it.

Our Wine Lounge will reopen this Summer (currently slated to for between August & September 1st). Check our social media & online events calendar regularly for updates and announcements about upcoming happenings at Deer Creek Vineyards. We’ve got some fun stuff in the works and can’t wait to see you all here again in the vineyard soon!

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